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48 Responses to “南京 Nanking 1937”

  1. Paul Says:
    April 10th, 2009 at 5:59 am


  2. Ignatius Y. Ding Says:
    November 13th, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008

    Taipei demands redress, apology for sex slaves
    TAIPEI (Kyodo) Taiwan’s parliament on Tuesday adopted a resolution seeking an apology and compensation from Japan for forcing women into sexual slavery during the war.

    In a rare show of unity, the island’s ruling and opposition parties passed by a unanimous vote the Taiwan Comfort Women Resolution, calling on Tokyo to “accept historical responsibility for its World War II sex slavery institution, and apologize to and compensate surviving victims.”

    The United States and European Union passed resolutions last year calling on Tokyo to own up to its wartime military brothel program that forced thousands of women and girls to become prostitutes, euphemistically referred to as “comfort women” in Japan.

    “I don’t think the resolution will have any specific impact on Taiwan’s relations with Japan. We just hope Japan will begin to hear the voices of the world on this issue,” said Huang Sue-ying, an opposition Democratic Progressive Party legislator and cosponsor of the resolution.

    Taiwan’s parliament, or Legislative Yuan, timed the resolution to roughly coincide with a similar resolution passed by South Korea’s National Assembly last month, Huang said. That resolution calls on Japan to compensate surviving comfort women in South Korea.

    Friday, Nov. 14, 2008

    Aso: What POW servitude?
    ‘No facts confirm’ family’s mining outfit used wartime forced labor

    By JUN HONGO Staff writer

    Prime Minister Taro Aso was forced to defend his family firm’s alleged wartime deeds Thursday, as the revisionist essay by ousted Air Self-Defense Force chief Gen. Toshio Tamogami continued to cause a political stir.
    Aso Mining Co. allegedly used thousands of Koreans and Chinese, Australian, British and Dutch prisoners of war as forced laborers during World War II.
    “No facts have been confirmed,” the prime minister told the Upper House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense when asked whether Aso Mining used Allied POWs as forced labor during the war.
    “I was 4, maybe 5 at the time. I was too young to recognize anything at that age,” he added.
    Although Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker Yukihisa Fujita stressed that records at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration show that forced labor did take place, Aso repeatedly told the Diet that no factual details have been confirmed.
    Former ASDF chief Tamogami was sacked Oct. 31 after claiming in an essay that Japan was not an aggressor during the war and that Tokyo was “trapped” by the United States into attacking Pearl Harbor in 1941.
    During the three-hour committee session, Aso harshly criticized Tamogami’s decision to make his views public as “extremely inappropriate.”
    He also acknowledged that the government failed to catch Tamogami’s previous essays, which hinted at the former general’s rightwing views of Japan’s wartime role.
    But Aso assured that civilian control of the Self Defense-Forces was never in doubt and that the latest stir should not be taken out of proportion.
    “It would be a leap in logic” to consider that a military coup could have taken place, Aso told the committee, emphasizing that Tamogami was immediately relieved of his duties following the disclosure of the essay.
    Aso pledged that the Defense Ministry will take measures to educate its SDF officers and avoid a repeat of the incident.

  3. Ignatius Y. Ding Says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 10:03 am

    We have a VHS version of the “Comfirt Women” interview by NBC Dateline in September 1994. It is not graphic at all but has a lot of verbal description of the victim’s ordeal. It is an age appropriate material for high/middle school age students to view. I can get you a copy of that. Also check out the following links:

  4. Ignatius Y. Ding Says:
    July 16th, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    For Immediate Release
    Contact: Lester Tenney
    July 15, 2008
    (760) 704-1106.

    Proposed Exchange Program Again Ignores History
    Of Japan’s American POW Slave Laborers

    [SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA] — A proposed joint American/Japanese program designed to boost educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries is a missed opportunity to make amends to Americans who were held by the Japanese as prisoners of war and slave laborers during World War II.

    That is the conclusion of Dr. Lester Tenney, National Commander of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor (ADBC), who recently returned from a trip to Japan. While meeting with members of the Diet, he questioned them on why American prisoners of war – most of whom had worked as slave laborers for such well-known Japanese companies such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Kawasaki – have been excluded from all previous exchange and reconciliation programs with Japan.

    The new initiative, developed by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and President George W. Bush and announced at a summit between the two on July 6, 2008, appears to be similar to the 1995 “Peace, Friendship and Exchange Initiative” that provided for former POWs (and their families) from Great Britain, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand to visit Japan as guests to develop a cultural exchange and friendship dialogue.

    No former American POWs were invited to participate in the 1995 initiative. “With our deaths, Japan wants to bury its sordid history of having kept its greatest industries alive through the illegal use of our labor,” said the 88 year-old Tenney.

    The former American POWs have asked President Bush and members of Congress and the Diet to delay any approval of the new exchange initiative until it is determined why Americans POWs were excluded from the Japanese-sponsored “Peace, Friendship and Exchange Initiative,” of 1995. The ADBC wants the Government of Japan to establish with the US government and Japanese corporations a permanent Fund of Remembrance and Reconciliation to foster projects of exchange and education between Japan and the US for better understanding of Imperial Japan’s Pacific War.

    The American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor Inc., a nationally recognized veterans’ organization, is comprised of remaining survivors of the Bataan Death March and those captured on Corregidor, who all became prisoners of the Japanese during World War II. The Bataan Death March is considered one of the era’s worst war crimes.

  5. Ignatius Ding Says:
    April 9th, 2008 at 1:11 pm

  6. Says:
    February 29th, 2008 at 2:45 pm


    定怡提及的「制度化的環境」(Institutional circumstances),很有見地,原子彈效應(Nuke effect)也頗有說服力.「制度化的環境」是一個很值得深思的課題.個人的淺見,它同時具有合理化及煽動的功能(justification & incitement),結果是把動物性的殘忍本能從文明社會中釋放出來.但是最終而言,所有的「制度化的環境」,不論是宗教的,戰爭的,種族的,文化的,等等,都只是某種形式的種族主義(Racism).殘忍的情境頗類似於「關門打狗」,殘忍的對象則被轉化為次人類(sub-human).

    納粹德國的情況比較複雜,在此無法進行深入系統的討論.從歷史的角度看,納粹的「制度化的環境」一直可以追溯到西元313年的米蘭刺令(Edict of Milan),羅馬皇帝康士坦丁(Constantine)正式承認基督教的合法性,以及三十年後基督教成為羅馬國教.此後的一千五百多年,猶太教在歐州遭受到各式各樣的壓迫.如果從猶太人這堅韌而多苦多難民族的角度看,納粹的「大浩劫」其實是過去十六個世紀歐州歷史的濃縮,只不過暴行的效率更高,規模更大. 1483-92的西班牙宗教大審判(Spanish Inquisition)和1881-2的俄國反猶暴行(Russian Pogrom),是兩個比較有名的例子,殘忍的程度並不下於「大浩劫」.基督教和猶太教根本的爭端在於耶蘇的神格定位,簡單的說,如果耶蘇是神,猶太教就是假的,但如果耶蘇不是神,基督教就不存在.從理論上探索,一神教(Monotheism)可能是宗教迫害的根本原因,這自然也包括歷史上最早的一神教-猶太教在內.但是理論上的可能性不會自動成為歷史現實,它必須與具體的政權和社會結構緊密結合,並擁有強勢的武力.歷史發展到了今天,宗教與政治基本上已經分離,社會趨於多元化,宗教迫害的機會很小,但也不能說今後一定不會再發生.黑格爾曾經說過:陽光之下沒有新鮮事.


    在西方各國威脅利誘,船堅砲利的壓力下,日本人飽受羞辱,被迫放棄二百多年的鎖國政策.過度驚嚇和極度自卑的心理下,明治時期(1867-1912)展開了大規模的改革運動,主要的重點是學習西方文化和富國強兵.傳統的士農工商階級正式被廢除,法律上四民平等.儒家和漢學的經世致用功能開始遭受嚴厲的懷疑.明治維新的最顯著特徵就是盲目的全面西化, 歐美崇拜普遍存在於人們的心中.當時流行的一句口頭禪是:難道不怕被外國人笑嗎?明治時代改革成功的關鍵在於天皇的神格化,天皇被定位為「現人神」,而效忠天皇就是效忠國家.藉由絕對忠君愛國的凝聚力,武士道崇尚武勇,輕死重辱的精神並未隨著四民平等而消失,反而是成功的轉化至軍隊身上,這是日本富國強兵的一個很重要因素,也是日本走向軍國主義的第一步.


    1925年,時序進入昭和.日本在稍前的一次世界大戰後,以戰勝國之姿擠身全球五大強國,軍人的聲譽如日中天.以戰爭達成富國強兵的目的,並作為解決自身需求及國際爭端的有效策略,逐漸成為許多日本人的信念.昭和時期的「大和魂」與軍國主義密切結合,這是日本執意走向戰爭的不歸路.這時的日本人眼中,中國和印度都是無可救葯的低劣民族,絕對沒法自立自強,必須依靠日本的領導,而日本是亞洲唯一的盟主.1925年,昭和政府通過了有名的(治安維持法),開始鎮壓激進的反對勢力及社會主義運動.1928年更進一步修訂(治安維持法),法律的規定變得更為嚴峻,並據之在全國各府縣設立特別高等警察科(簡稱特高警),專門負責偵辦政治和社會運動,日本正式進入法西斯時代.1935年,日本軍人主導一切政府行政事務,並在全國各地大力推動「滅私奉公」運動,為後續的大戰做準備.1936年(昭和十一年),保皇派年輕將校軍官發動政變,企圖推翻軍政府,史稱「二二六事件」,但不幸以事機洩露被弭平,日本隨即進入全面軍事獨裁. 從此,軍隊的行動再無任何制約力量.


    戰後的德國有著相似的反省.當今大哲哈伯馬斯(Jurgen Habermas)首先發難,於1953對海德格展開嚴厲的批判,責問海德格為何從未就1933-35期間的種種支持納粹的言行提出反省,反而一直保持緘默?海德格最叫猶太人心寒的,並不是他曾經擁護過納粹,而是在1934年就任佛萊堡大學校長時,率先支持納粹控制學術界的政策,並將一手栽培他的猶太恩師(mentor, not teacher),現象學的創始者胡賽爾(Edmund Husserl)逐出佛萊堡大學,同時禁止閱讀胡塞爾的著作.1933直至1945德國戰敗,將近一個世代,胡賽爾的哲學在歐州幾乎消聲匿跡,改由海德格哲學獨領風騷,這應該也算是納粹的文化暴行之一. 二戰結束至1970的二十多年的時間內,海德格的著作被美國的出版界全面封殺,絲毫得不到出版的機會.這時候,海德格的學生(也是年輕時的情人)猶太裔美國人Hannah Arendt愛才心切,適時伸出援手,才促成了美國出版界對海德格的解禁.海德格支持納粹,對猶太恩師忘恩負義,落井下石,郤被猶太學生拯救,使他的哲學思想再度發光閃耀,這對許多猶太人而言是最大的歷史弔詭.




  7. Says:
    February 21st, 2008 at 4:34 am


    Short of seeing the actual movie, - I saw only segments one time on PBS -I am nevertheless looking to share some thoughts triggered by 建國’s essay. It is probably far easier to “write” than to “see” the subject of atrocity. I lacked mental strength to see the movie in the holiday season last year in New York.

    Social psychologist Philip Zimbardo in 1971 conducted a prison experiment at Stanford University. He divided a group of healthy good middle-class young men into prisoners and prison guards and put them in a simulated prison in a basement on campus. The experiment was intended to last for 2 weeks and it had to be shut down in 5 days because it exhibited the same brutality found in the Abu Ghraib prison. What he documented in that experiment was a perfect example of a behavioral transformation taking place from a good person to an evil person. He coined this transformation the “Lucifer effect”. This finding applies to humans in general including you and me. The evil-friendly environment can turn good people into possible atrocity committers. Pretty much like chemical reactions, when the environment is right, the reaction takes place, one thing turns into another. Hydrogen and oxygen won’t recognize water and good won’t recognize evil.

    Human’s hidden animal instinct to kill is probably not enough to explain the savage behavior that human levels against fellow human. The cruelty can be so much amplified under certain institutional circumstances. Animals kill primarily for the sake of survival. Hunger drives animals to kill. Once fed, peace soon resumes. Humans kill in the names of religion, war, racial or cultural superiority, justice, etc. none of which has substantial bearing on survival. Sadly to say, the same atrocity committed by Japanese soldiers in Nanking is still being played out in Africa. These atrocities move like angels of death, they visited Nazi’s gas chambers, they visited Japanese rape of Nanking, to a lesser extent they visited Chinese Cultural Revolution and Cambodia, and of course, they visited Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan’s Darfur. The problem may ultimately rest in the core of our souls.

    In past many years, one thing puzzles me constantly is the denial of the historical fact of Nanking massacre on part of Japanese right-wing nationalists. There seems to be a peculiar mental transaction underneath this persistent denial. The argument may go like this: Once Japan was nuked; the moral debt owed in the Nanking massacre was instantly wiped out. The lack of gilt and subsequent lack of remorse are remarkable. Is it one of those screwed-up math in which party A harms party B and party B harms party C and the result is that party B is free of guilt? Or the shock and awe brought about by the atomic bombs still reverberate in the lost minds of those atrocity deniers? Imagine one day in the future, America says to Japan that atomic bombs have never been dropped or they were dropped but only a few hundred people died, perhaps then they would start to comprehend what it might have meant to people of Nanking. Well, America, unlike Japan, is too strong to alter the history of atomic bombs. Men have a way of re-writing history for the purpose of living free from the moral burden. If they don’t do it consciously, their brains will do it for them. That is why movies of this kind are extremely important because they keep our brains in check.

    Whenever we encounter an atrocity beyond our comprehension, the West introduces the entity of devil to narrate it. Arthur Miller tried to draw attention to Hitler’s birth from a possible incestuous relationship. This finding pushes to the limit of rational explanations beyond which lies the domain of devil. Dealing with it, I would say, becomes the responsibility of all humans. My salute goes to those who risk their lives to preserve the integrity of this historical event.

  8. Says:
    February 13th, 2008 at 2:02 am







    南京大屠殺的死亡人數遠遠不及「大浩劫」中喪生的猶太人,但是若論及殘忍的程度, 「大浩劫」則是小巫見大巫.「Nanking」中記錄的一些景象,例如朝日新聞刊登的日本兵百人斬照片,處死中國戰俘的人頭落地照片,刺刀穿胸的照片,將大批戰俘江邊沈屍的照片,等等,都還勉強能以日本的軍國主義和傳統武士道精神給予合理化解釋.該片也可能是為了避免予人過度血腥的印象,只選用了包括Wilson膠卷在內的很多歷史檔案和素材中的一小部份.至於其它的許多匪夷所思的殘暴行為,例如尖刀下強迫母子亂倫,強迫過路人奸屍,以平民當活靶練習劈刺,將嬰兒丟至空中以刺刀刺殺,輪奸六歲女孩,八十歲老嫗, 女大學生,寺廟的尼姑,等等,然後用各種方法虐殺,又該如何解釋?如果說納粹的殘忍強調冷血的效率,則南京大屠殺的殘忍必須歸類為熱切的享受,這可能也是人世間殘忍的極致.

    尼釆在(道德系譜學) (On The Genealogy Of Morals)一書中,對人性提出自然主義的解釋,堅決反對西方傳統長期以來肉体與心靈二分的哲學和宗教觀點.認為人類在遠古時期和禽獸並無多大差異,都是依靠生物本能活動,而殘忍(cruelty)是一種莫大的樂趣.人類的文明進步和社會生活,很一大部份取決於壓制,消除原始的殘忍本能.人類進化至目前的階段,動物性的殘忍基本上已經被轉化至精神層次,譬如日常生活中的幸災樂禍,見死不救,以及宗教上的種種自殘行為,都是某種形式的殘忍.然而大規模毫無禁制的動物性殘殺行動,在文明社會仍是難以想像的.它必然需要某些機會.歷史上,戰爭是最名正言順的理由.

    日本在侵華戰爭初朝,提出「三月亡華」的口號,沒料到松滬之戰遭遇國軍長期頑強的抵抗,氣極敗壞之下,亟望快速攻佔首都南京,大開殺戒.一方面立威中國,另方面揚名國際.當時位於南京與上海之間,有一道由德國軍事顧問設計的鋼筋水泥壕溝要塞,號稱中國的「馬奇諾防線」,是南京外圍最堅固的防禦工事.不幸的是,由國軍精銳組成的上海保衛戰全面失利,國軍士氣大壞.潰敗的軍隊由蘇州,吳錫沿線向南京撒退,造成「馬奇諾防線」全面崩解,有些堡壘甚至還未啟用,即已失守.國民政府防衛南京的態度大約可用兩難這兩字來形容.一方面,高層早有自知之明,很清楚國軍的訓練,裝備和彈藥遠遠不及日軍,南京的淪陷只是早晚的事.另方面,南京乃國都所在,若不堅守,勢必成為國際笑柄.南京保衛戰就在這種模稜兩可的心理下勉強進行. 十二月十四日,日軍三路猛攻之下,南京失守,南京防衛總司令唐生智將軍以及多位軍長,卻早在破城之前即已逃離南京.由於群龍無首,指揮紊亂,造成國軍撒退和進攻兩失.日軍進城後大批中國軍人被俘,慘遭屠殺,某些國軍高級將領亦須負部份歷史責任.

    戰爭的語言,最終只能解釋某些層面的殘忍.即使再加上日本的「大和魂」和「武士道」來合理化,南京大屠殺所展現出的慘無人道仍然穩如泰山,不為所動.1937年為什麼被遺忘?因為人們已熟知納粹的「大浩劫」,並視之為殘忍的最大限度.1937年為什麼被遺忘?因為人們習慣於以文化價值觀和戰爭邏輯來解釋殘忍.根本上說,「大浩劫」和南京大屠殺,在人類歷史上最重要的意義是清楚地指出了Atrocity與Cruelty的根本差別.Atrocity不僅是棄絕人性,解構文明,重拾原始的离獸本能,還充份利用了人類文明提供的器械與巧思.1961年,納粹的猶太問題專家,「大浩劫」的主要設計與執行者,Adolf Echmann被以色列情報人員從阿根庭逮捕,送回耶路撒泠接受審判.Hannah Arendt 親赴以色列聽審,回美國後寫下轟動一時的(Echmman In Jerusalem).Arendt在書中特別指出,納粹頭子在執行屠殺任務時,為了逃避良心譴責,最常用的合理化心理機制就是完全不提任務的殘忍性,反而一再強調上級命令的嚴苛以及負擔的沈重.南京大屠殺之所以比「大浩劫」更為Atrocious,乃是因為從頭到尾,到現在,我們連一絲絲的良心都察覺不到.南京大屠殺中日本軍人身上處處流露出來的熱切的享受,我個人認為,應可蓋棺論定–人類殘忍的極限.

    最終而言,1937年為什麼被遺忘?Virginia Woolf 曾說過一句名言:英文足以顯現哈姆雷特的心思和李爾王的悲劇,但是絕對無法形容痛苦的戰憟.一個人身體的痛楚,在自己而言,是絕對的確定,對他人而言,是永恆的懷疑.19世紀以前,醫生對病痛的診斷以強度為標準,例如很痛,中等痛,稍痛等等.醫界後來發明了Mcgill病痛標準問卷,以工具為代表,使病痛的診斷更為具體,例如針刺痛,火灼痛,刀割痛,漲痛,撕痛等等,然而不論如何接近,仍然不是病人的真正感覺.國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)為了造成國際與論壓力,必須生動敘述犯人遭受折磨的痛苦,但是若形容過當,反而引起懷疑.簡而言之,一個人身體的痛楚和任何語言-戰爭的,文化的,文學的,醫學的,政治的等等, -之間, 永遠存在著無法跨越的本體上距離.南京大屠殺中,無數的中國人遭受到的肉體的痛楚和心靈的苦悶,語言的描述最多只能達到「類比的具現」(Analogical Substantiation).1937年為什麼慢慢被遺忘?因為語言捕捉不住真正的傷痛.



  9. Says:
    February 6th, 2008 at 11:11 am




    這些善人都已辭世,編劇用舞台劇方式,採幾個影星以聲音讀出日記、 書信、文件。珍藏七十年黑白片,雖然動作連不上聲音,攝影机晃動,閃光刺眼,曝光照全黑,吱吱叫像打開生鏽的門,但悲惻真象靠它們徐徐捲開。

    Mariel Hemingway演技晉進,叫人激賞。她壓抑焦慮急切的內在,操著紓緩的語調,直搗人心。

    不放過,命令她交出一百名妓女,折衷談判許久,有二十一個女子自願離開,犧牲自己, 救了其餘大多數。








    張純如Iris Chang寫完 “The Rape of Nanking”後,一方面精神飽受煎熬,一方面被日本右派分子威脅恐嚇,無力再生存下去,選擇了自絕。


  10. Schedule Says:
    January 11th, 2008 at 10:46 am

    Nanking premieres in California today:

  11. admin Says:
    December 12th, 2007 at 9:17 pm

    ►The Japan Times Online:
    70th Anniversary - Look back in anger

    ►Asia Times Online:
    Nanjing wounds bleed 70 years on

    ►China View :
    Int’l rally to mark Nanjing Massacre anniversary

    ►The Europe Channel:
    China marks 70th anniversary of war with Japan

    ►Yahoo/Reuters :
    70 years on, Nanjing massacre inspires global film-makers

  12. jessica Says:
    December 12th, 2007 at 6:14 pm

    ►黃立成所作的[1937]完整版MV出爐. (雷公電影公司)

    [CTITV] Acknowledge, Apologize, Confess … Taiwanese RAP writer/singer, Huang LiCheng released his new song “1937″ today in commemorating the 70th anniversary of Nanking Massacre. According to Huang, he is intimidated by a Japanese AD on Washington Post claiming that they have found no evidence on Nanking Massacre and the comfort women (sexual slavery) for Japanese Imperial soldiers during the occupancy of China and Southeast Asia in World War II are all voluntary. “For another decade or two, people will forget about all this.” he added, “then, Japanese government succeeds (in covering up the atrocity they committed)” 2007-12-12


  13. Renne Says:
    December 11th, 2007 at 8:09 pm

  14. Albert Says:
    November 30th, 2007 at 2:32 pm

    Nobody should hate or encourage hatred against Japanese for atrocities committed by their ancestors. The problem is the attitude of those few who try to cover it up or deny it completely. According to Ted Leonsis during the making of the movie Nanking, interviewed Japanese soldiers showing little remorse on what they did in 1937. This is a humiliation to every human being, not just the victims and their families and offspring . An official apology by the Japanese government is simply an honorable thing to do on behalf of all citizens of Japan today and will resolve this international controversy once and forever.

    For Japanese readers: (translation by google)
    だれもなければ憎しみや憎悪を奨励するための日本の残虐行為に反対されもして先祖のです。問題は、それらのいくつかの姿勢をしようとする者または拒否することを完全にカバーしています。テッドレオンシスによると、この映画の製作中に南京、日本の兵士にインタビューしていることを示す小さな悔恨のでした。 1937年です。これは、すべての人間が恥をかくだけでなく、犠牲者とその家族の子孫とします。日本政府は公式に謝罪したのは、単に名誉あることではないに代わってすべての市民は、この問題が解決すると今日の日本の国際的な論争を永遠にきっぱりとします。

  15. References Says:
    November 30th, 2007 at 8:17 am

    Imperial Japan’s World War Two presents a fresh overview of the Asian-Pacific War (1931-45) and its victims, drawing particular attention to the neglected history of Imperial Japan’s invasion of China and Southeast Asia. The book seeks to show that the war in Asia and the Pacific is as much about Shanghai, Nanking, and Manila as about Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Hiroshima. The narrative makes clear why Japan’s WWII period aggression still touches deep emotions with East Asians and Western ex-prisoners of war. Knowledge of the enormity of Japan’s total war is also necessary to assess the United States’ and its allies’ wartime reaction from Manchuria to Hiroshima. A broad statistical analysis is included to demonstrate the scale of the war’s atrocities, suffering, death and destruction. ►

    The question of national responsibility for crimes against humanity became an urgent topic due to the charge of ethnic cleansing against the previous Yugoslav government. But that was not the first such urging of legal and moral responsibility for war crimes. While the Nazi German regime has been prototypical, the actions of the Japanese military regime have been receiving increasing prominence and attention. Indeed, Peter Li’s volume examines the phenomenon of denial as well as the deeds of destruction.
    Certainly one of the most troublesome unresolved problems facing many Asian and Western countries after the Asia Pacific war (1931-1945) is the question of the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army throughout Asia and the Japanese government’s repeated attempts to whitewash their wartime responsibilities. The psychological and physical wounds suffered by victims, their families, and relations remain unhealed after more than half a century, and the issue is now pressing. This collection undertakes the critical task of addressing some of the multif…. ►more

  16. Global Alliance (轉載) Says:
    November 29th, 2007 at 11:09 pm

    On November 28, 2007 the Canadian House of Commons unanimously passed the motion to urge the Japanese government to take full responsibility to take full responsibility for the involvement of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the system of forced “comfort women” and to offer formal and sincere apology to the “comfort women” in the Diet and to continue to address those who are affected in the spirit of reconciliation!

    [admin added] U.S. House seeks Japanese apology on female abuse. (more …)

  17. Charles Lee Says:
    November 29th, 2007 at 10:36 pm


    ► Nanjing Massacre Survivor Wins Lawsuit
    A Nanjing Massacre survivor has been awarded 1.6 million yuan (US$200,000) in compensation after winning a lawsuit against two Japanese rightist historians. (more…)

  18. Al Sugerman Says:
    November 18th, 2007 at 4:22 pm

    I have read Ms Chang’s book, and it is with deep sadness that I have just now learned of her death. I studied history at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and I know of the horrible events that she wrote about.

    I don’t know what else I can say…………Al Sugerman

  19. Yang at WPI Says:
    November 17th, 2007 at 11:27 pm

    That’s horrible history. all Chinese must not forgot.

  20. Bill Coon Says:
    November 12th, 2007 at 4:21 am

    Two films focused on these events, debuting in the same month. A testimony that Chang’s legacy and vision lives on. And soon, the publication of Chusan Road, tracking down the real cause of Iris Chang’s “suicide.”

  21. admin Says:
    November 11th, 2007 at 4:01 am

    For those who were unable to attend the Preview of “Nanking” in Boston last Friday, November 9, 2007. It was truly a memorable evening. The presentations by the guests are as important as the film. See About that evening.

  22. Albert Says:
    November 8th, 2007 at 5:02 pm

    So Far from the Bamboo Grove by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, recently challenged by many Massachusettes parents.
    The book is a fictionalized autobiography told from the perspective of an 11-year-old Japanese girl. The girl and her family have to flee northern Korea at the end of World War II, a perilous journey because of the Koreans’ animosity toward the Japanese, who had occupied their country for 50 years.
    Recommending this book for children is like suggesting our kids to read a sad story about how Allies bombed Berlin or Japanese survived Hiroshima without the context of “Who actually started World War II”. The personal experience in this book and historical facts vastly contradict each other. Fortunately, students today are smart enough to use internet to find factual materials when writing the essay on this fiction. A subject that should be seriously discussed in the classroom!

    Amazon Book Review : January 23, 2007
    A misleading book!!!, By S. Baik (phoenix)

    “…. the author was a daughter of a war criminal, high Japenese official stationed at a northern Korean province during the Japanese occupation of Korea, and had led a comfortable life at the expense of the suffering of the Korean people until she and her family got kicked out of Korea at the end of the WWII. She’s a disgruntled former beneficiary of the Japanese imperialism and this book is a poor attempt to mislead the public and further her hidden agenda…”

  23. admin Says:
    November 8th, 2007 at 5:00 pm

  24. WW2AHS Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 6:51 pm

    Some may take the release of this film a negative propaganda against Japanese. Sonny Saito, a Japanese actor in this movie, commented, “There is a lot political pressure in Japan about this issue….they’d rather not to talk about it ….”.

    The Documentary Nanking is not to promote hatred against anybody. The incident was a horrible mistake made by previous generations of Japanese militarism. Historical facts should be preserved and studied to prevent such military aggression which has caused the atrocities to the entire Asia-Pacific area since 1895 through 1945 from being cherished or repeated.

    Peace On Earth - It’s In Our Hands.

    我們以德報怨 , 不鼓勵仇恨 , 讓錯誤留滯在上一代的日本軍國主義 , 但決不容忍任何企圖去竄改歷史 , 否認史實。日本從甲午戰爭到第二次世界大戰戰敗是一個侵略者 , 這是不容否認的史實。新一代的日本青年 , 應該接受正確的歷史教育 , 確使浩劫東亞半個世紀的日本軍國主義不再復甦 。

    (Japanese translated by Google®)

    一部は日本語に対してこのフィルムの解放に否定的な宣伝を取るかもしれない。 サニー斎藤、コメントされるこの映画の日本俳優「あるこの問題についての日本にたくさん政治的圧力が….彼らはそれむしろ述べていない….」。



    (Korean translated by Google®)

    일부 걸릴 수있습니다 릴리스는이 영화에 대해 부정적인 선전 선동 일본어입니다. sonny 사이토, 일본 배우의이 영화는, 논평, “이 일본에서이 문제에 대한 정치적 압력 많이 싶지 않은 …. 그들을 말할 것이 ….”

    다큐멘터리 차원이 아닙니다 누구나과의 증오를 촉진합니다. 사건이 무서운 실수 이전 세대의 군국주의입니다. 역사적 사실 보존과 공부를해야한다 그러한 군사적 침략을 방지하기 위해 갖고있는 학대로 인해 전체 아시아 - 태평양 지역 상반기 중에 20 세기 못하 소중한 또는 반복합니다.

  25. moviefone Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:59 am

    Rosalind Chao & Sonny Saito The documentary ‘Nanking’ deals with the heavy topic of massacre in 1937. It’s a good thing actors Rosalind Chao and Sonny Saito are so happy to be at Sundance, or we’d all be in tears.

  26. nankinnoshinjitsu (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:58 am

    南京真相 映画「南京の真実」
    南京陥落70周年の今年 (平成19年・2007年)、米国サンダンス映画祭にて、南京「大虐殺」映画が公開されました。  さらに、中国、カナダ、米国等で計7本の南京「大虐殺」映画製作が予定され、全世界で公開されると言われています。歴史的事実に反し、誤った歴史認識に基づくこのような反日プロパガンダ映画によって、南京「大虐殺」なる歴史の捏造が「真実」として、世界の共通認識とされる恐れがあります。また、そこから生まれる反日、侮日意識が、同盟国の米国だけでなく、世界中の人々に定着しかねません。
    この映画製作には、全国草莽の皆さんの熱いご支援ご協力が必要です。是非、映画製作にご参加いただき、祖国日本の誇りと名誉を守りましょう。 平成19年1月
    (google translation)
    This year of the Nanjing fall 70th anniversary (2007 2007), at the American sun dance movie festival, the Nanjing “holocaust” movie was released.  Furthermore, it is said that the Nanjing “holocaust” cinematics is planned 7 of total in such as China, Canada and the United States is released in the entire world. There is a possibility of making commonness recognition of the world fabrication of the history which becomes as “a truth” with this kind of anti-Japanese propaganda movie which opposes to historical fact, is based on erroneous historical recognition, Nanjing “holocaust”. In addition, counter when is born from there, 侮 day consciousness is not unable to become fixed, not only the United States of ally, in the people in the world.
    Even in order that in the crisis situation which “information warfare outbreak” can be said, we unite, Daido correct erroneous historical recognition, strike in propaganda offensive posture, accurate verification of the Nanjing capture game and the cinematics which conveys truth to the entire world were determined.
    The movie makes also English edition and Chinese edition etc simultaneously, aims toward worldwide simultaneous release. In addition, it is the schedule which also animated picture transmission of Internet executes.
    The support cooperation whose everyone of the nationwide grass 莽 is hot is necessary in this cinematics.
    By all means, you will participate in cinematics, will protect homeland Japanese pride and reputation.

  27. Al Jazeera (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:58 am

  28. 星島日報 Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:58 am







  29. Dark Childe Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:57 am

    “…This is where there are two terms involved as to when WWII actually started. For the U.S.,WWII started on December 7,1941 with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. The war lasted around four years,ending in 1945. However,from the Japanese viewpoint,the war was really fifteen years long and is referred to as “The Fifteen Years War” since some Japanese date the war as starting with the invasion of China,the fight against the U.S. not taking place for over a decade…”(full info)

  30. Apes! Not Monkeys! (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:57 am

  31. Japanese (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:57 am


    日本右翼宣布開拍電影否認南京大屠殺 謀籌2000萬擬國際電影節公映。這套名為《南京真相》的電影,將由右翼電視台高層水島圣(譯音)執導,預料將于8月拍成,其內容將以日本老兵的證詞,歷史檔案影片和文件為主,主調是否認南京大屠殺,將事件形容成是中國人的“政治宣傳”。他周三與一班支持者,在記者招待會上宣布計划,當中就包括一些國會議員。水島揚言這只是“我們透過電影糾正歷史的第一步”,暗示稍後還有更多行動。他說:“若我們繼續保持沉默,宣揚反日活動便會遍布全球。現在最重要的是糾正歷史,向世人傳達正確信息。”
    (click image above for details)

  32. Koreans (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:56 am

    Ilpyong J. Kim Professor Emeritus of Political Science University of Connecticut

  33. Japanese (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:55 am

  34. CND (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:54 am

  35. APWAM (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:54 am

    To build a Memorial Museum to commemorate the 35 million Chinese and many more thousands of Asians and Allies who perished at the hands of the invading Imperial Japanese Army from 1931 to 1945.

  36. Modern History SourceBook (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:54 am

  37. Tribung Pinoy (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:53 am

  38. The History Place (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:53 am

    Genocide in the 20th Century

  39. (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:52 am

  40. United Human Rights Council (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:51 am

  41. BBC News (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:51 am

  42. MSNBC (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:50 am


  43. Yale University (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:49 am

  44. University of Houston (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:48 am

  45. Princeton University (轉載) Says:
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:48 am

  46. youtube Says:
    September 1st, 2007 at 1:14 am

    Rape of Nanking (Nightmare in Nanking) (Part II)
    A Film by Dr. Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D
    This part II video contains content that is inappropriate for some users under age 17. You may not be able to view without having a youtube account that proofs your age. In this case, go to and select History

  47. youtube Says:
    September 1st, 2007 at 1:13 am

    Rape of Nanking (Nightmare in Nanking) (Part I)
    A Film by Dr. Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D

  48. admin Says:
    August 25th, 2007 at 1:51 am
    To commemorate the victims of Nanking Atrocities 1937 ….
    南京大屠殺70週年紀念罹難同胞 …

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